Thursday, June 15, 2006

So, what does "spiritual revolution" mean to you?

So, the church is failing in the West. It is the only part of the world where Christianity is NOT growing. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong here. We need a radical rediscovery of the truth of the New Testament scriptures and what they have to say about church. Not in form, or models, or "wineskins" - but in the content. If we do that, things can change. To do that, we need a revolution.


Anonymous said...

Here in Chicago we have been looking at two priorities. The first is the development of a pastoral community in order to nurture the flock. The second is the development of an apostolic company in order to extend the kingdom of God in the earth. Both of these thrusts are necessary components to the growth of a strong local church.

Mike Chong Perkinson said...

I appreciate Greg's use of community - both pastoral and apostolic -- a community which cares and a community which sends. In the West we have been great on our assignments or task, function at the expense of character and most of all, community. May God raise up a community of saints, who love Him, love each other, and make disciples not only as they go but as they live life.

Anonymous said...

I will miss meeting you tomorrow evening and I am sorry. BUT I've been waiting for this "revolution" for over 40 years now..doing all I was led to do along with Mike my husband to bring it in. May this be the day dear ones...I long to see it this side of glory. Joyce Tait EMC Goodyear, AZ

Anonymous said...

Hi,The Lord told me several months ago "It is going to be revolutionary this time" then immediately, he showed me a vision of a church and then a house. Being a pastor's wife, I took this very personal. I would like to know your spiritual comments: Thank you

Mike Chong Perkinson said...

The vision of a church and then a house that you received echoes the cries of our heart for the future God is creating. We are convinced that God is returning us to a life lived in Christ. A life that begins in our homes - where each home, in effect, become a church - where mom and dad return to being priets of their homes.

Tom and I are not talking forms - whether we meet in a large corporate gathering or a house church does not matter. What matters is that we return to loving God, loving others, and making disciples and start that in our homes.

May God continue to burn His Kingdom reality into our hearts. May His life penetrate our religious ideologies and overtake them with a gospel of love that finds full expression in our daily lives. May we become better husbands, wives, dads, moms, etc.

Oh God bring on the revolution and begin with me.